Navigating your sexuality as a new parent can be complex
You've suddenly gained additional responsibilities with your new baby, household duties, relational roles, and everything in between. There are many changes and challenges during this time, but no one discusses the changes or challenges that might occur with your sexuality. I help women harness and utilize their primal nature to live an empowered and satisfying sex life: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

who helps ambitious millennial postpartum women reclaim their body and sexuality as new moms, overachievers, and entrepreneurs.
Postpartum doesn’t have to kill your sex life or your relationship.
Love your body after pregnancy
Learn the different kinds of intimacy and how to create/maintain each type
Build intimacy with your partner and regain confidence
Express your sexual desires without shame or guilt

I understand your frustration and you no longer have to suffer in silence:
You’re overwhelmed with feeling broken, guilty, and panicked about your diminishing sexual desires.
You want to want sex again. It feels like you and your partner are growing apart.
You want to love your body after pregnancy.
You’re tired of feeling like your sex life has fallen by the waistside.
You want to feel comfortable talking with your partner about sex, but it’s hard.

Have a healthy and fulfilling sex life after pregnancy
Feel sexy and confident about your body again
Strengthen the bond you have with your partner
Experience more orgasms and enjoy sex
Invest in your love life and reap the benefits

did your postpartum journey snatch your edges instead of your waist? Literally AND figuratively?
Hey Girl!
I was excited to have a baby and was ready for the changes that would come with being a new mom. But I wasn't prepared for the emotional and physical toll that would take on my sex life.
I knew my postpartum recovery would be challenging, but I didn't realize just how difficult it would be to feel like myself again — and to get back into the swing of things with my partner.
During my journey, I grew frustrated with the lack of information and resources regarding postpartum and sex or intimacy. The information I did find was unhelpful in my situation. With no help from the internet, I decided to put in the work to try and solve my own issues.
Through this introspective journey, I developed a framework, Sensational V.I.B.E.S., with proven results and, based on research, known to create a positive effect on your sex life after having your baby and experiencing postpartum obstacles.
This methodology has been proven to work for myself, friends, family, and clients whom I've worked with over the past three years. This approach has been used to restore intimacy in relationships, enhance sexual experiences, and improve the communication and overall bond between partners.
I will support you in ridding your sexual confidence of the anxiety, fear, and shame commonly associated with loss of sexual desire, difficulty enjoying sex, concerns over body image, partner conflicts, and exhaustion from caring for children.

While working with me, you will learn to create Sensational V.I.B.E.S. in and out of the bedroom.
As a Certified Clinical Postpartum Sex & Intimacy Coach and Sex Educator, I provide a clear path, including actual dialogue, exercises, and action steps that people can use on their journey. You will master these V.I.B.E.S through:
(V)isualizing intimacy and sex after pregnancy
(I)mplementing sexual self-care (treating sexuality as a part of self-care)
(B)ecoming more attuned to your body (practice exploration, mindfulness, and meditation)
(E)mbracing intimacy and sex after pregnancy (learn how to step into your divine feminity)
(S)etting and maintaining good sexual boundaries (recognize and communicate what your boundaries are)

I can give you the tools to overcome sexual obstacles and strengthen the bond with your partner.
Love your body after pregnancy and build intimacy with your partner
Express your sexual desires without shame or guilt
Learn how to transform and prioritize sex while balancing work, parenting, and relational duties
Be able to physically show your partner that you are still attracted to and desire them
Invest in your Relationship
3 Month
Coaching Package
(Fall Special)
$1997.00 for 3 months. Payment plans available:
A deposit is required to reserve your spot and will be applied towards service.
6 Month
Coaching Package
(fall Special)
$3697.00 for 6 months.
Payment plans available:
A deposit is required to reserve your spot and will be applied towards service.
What is the difference between coaching and therapy?The difference between a Sex Coach and a Sex Therapist is that Sex Therapists examine sexual issues from a psychological standpoint. Therapy focuses on the underlying mental health issues and why such changes are necessary. Most of the time, therapy integrates prior knowledge of concerns and focuses on evidence-based evaluations, interventions, and treatments to resolve those problems. The best person to do therapy with is a licensed mental health professional. Therapy is provided by a qualified mental health practitioner who must adhere to strict guidelines, rules, and regulations.
How long does coaching last?There are currently 2 packages available. You can choose either 3 months (13 weeks) or 6 months (26 weeks). You can also opt to have weekly coaching or bi-weekly coaching with check-ins and accountability calls during the weeks between sessions. This allows you to have control over the pace of your postpartum coaching journey. Whichever option you choose will not take away from the result you will obtain. I have found by giving clients the option to choose the pace of their sessions, they don’t feel rushed or overwhelmed throughout the process and actually have time to complete homework exercises between the sessions at a pace that works best for them. Keep in mind that all coaching is tailored to fit the needs of each client, so if you choose to have weekly sessions and find that is too fast paced, you can always switch to bi-weekly sessions with midway accountability check-ins, and vice versa.
Are the sessions in person or virtual?All coaching sessions are virtual at this time.
How are virtual sessions conducted?Virtual sessions are conducted through Zoom or Google Meet Video Conferencing.
Do you work with same sex couples?Yes. I work with and provide a safe space for all couples regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Do you offer individual 1-on-1 coaching for men?Individual 1-on-1 coaching is currently unavailable for men, but is a service that will be added in the near future.You can follow me on Instagram and turn on post notifications so that you can be alerted for all announcements.
Do you offer refunds?Coaching fees are non-refundable once coaching has commenced. Exception: if you decide within 48 hours after your first session that postpartum sex & intimacy coaching is not for you, I will refund all but the deposit and first session fees.
What if I want 1-on-1 coaching but my partner wants to join a couple of sessions?Yes, your partner can attend one session with no additional fee added.If your partner wants to attend multiple sessions, couples coaching is recommended
What if I am late or need to reschedule my session?A. At the scheduled appointment time, you are expected to logon to the preferred online form of communication. Together, we should be committed to starting and finishing each session on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late for a coaching session, without notice, I will assume the session is canceled and you will forfeit the session fee. B. I ask that you give at least a 24 hour notice if you need to cancel or change the time of appointment. I will make every effort as well, to reschedule sessions which are canceled in a timely manner. If you do not cancel in a timely manner on a regular basis, I will end our coaching relationship. Cancellation (less than 24 hours before) and/or no-show appointments are billed to the client for the full amount.